Thursday, November 18, 2010

As I was reading...

An excerpt from a book I'm reading:

"I have so much saved up inside my soul that I'm sure it will take a lifetime to fully express physically my love to my husband. I want to save all of that until we enter into 'holy matrimony'. I think that's part of what makes it holy. I think God honors virginity in a special way. When He chose to send His Son to earth, He did it through the body of a virgin. I want my marriage to be holy before God. For the first time I've begun to think that maybe I need a plan instead of just assuming that's how everything will go. At this point in my life, I assume I'll marry Todd. But I don't know for sure. It's as if I need to save myself FROM him to save myself FOR him.", Christy Miller

This was taken from Until Tomorrow by Robin Jones Gunn