Monday, November 29, 2010

Who are you?

I'm just wondering who all is reading? Send me a comment, let me know what you think. What would you like to see a future post about?

Sunday, November 28, 2010 how they all fit together

I did something new this year! I went Black Friday shopping! Don't get me wrong, I've spent many a Friday after Thanksgiving out shopping like the crazy shopper I am but I had never been there when the stores opened. This story begins on our second round of shopping...

Armed with Starbucks (Venti Peppermint Mocha Hot) and our sale fliers we head out. When pulling into the parking lot we notice that the lines have stretched halfway across the parking lot already! It was about that time when my shopping friend and I realized that we had left our heavy winter coats at home! So we sat in the car and stayed warm while waiting knowing that the lines were getting deeper and deeper. Just before 5am my friend breathed a prayer that the particular item she was after would be ours and at exactly 5am I jumped out and headed towards the police guarded doors. Using my well honed skills of getting through large crowds I beat a huge portion of the shoppers in the door. Once inside I make my way, along with a large number of other electronics minded shoppers to the back of the store. I quickly locate the item we were after but notice that there are easily between 25-35 people in the same isle and there appear to be 4 of our desired items key secured to the display rack. I can only give the credit to God for making me number 3 wanting that item!

Now that our door-buster items have been obtained we work our way through the store. We have been through toys, shoes, house wares and are in the juniors department when our story takes a turn:

Three teen girls join us in the juniors department and are oo'ing and ah'ing over clothes they hope their parent's will get them for Christmas. I smile as I think about the young lady my friend is shopping for and hope she has the same feelings towards what her mom is picking out for her. It is then that I hear one of the girls talking and realize that she's using cuss words to describe the clothes. My heart breaks for now instead of a beautiful young woman before me I can only see ugliness.

The Bible says in 1 Samuel 16:7b "...People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." and then in Luke 6:45 it says: "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks." James 3 talks about how controlling the tongue is. Loosely quoted it says "The one who is able to control their tongue is perfect!" I know that it is impossible to be perfect but we are certainly to make that our aim.

In a previous post I talked about the "garbage in, garbage out" concept and this situation brings this back to mind. I close with this last verse from Psalms. I encourage us all (me included) to meditate on the Word so that our words are pleasing to Him.

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart  
be pleasing in your sight,  
LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who am I?

     Are you wondering yet who I am and why I care so much about this thing I reefer to as "my precious gift"? Let me tell you a little about me...

     I am Andrea, known by most everybody as Anje, and I am a 33 year old single woman. I have dated one man and that relationship only lasted about a month. I am a nurse by profession and have worked for countless years in youth ministry.

     I am learning every day to be more and more dependent on Jesus Christ's saving grace and knowing that without His hand and direction in my life I would be utterly lost and be bumbling along in life.

     I am passionate about physical purity and that comes from so many different sources:

~1) I was raised in a family where it was expected that we would keep ourselves pure.

~2) The bible is clear in it's teaching about sexual purity and that sex is reserved for a marriage relationship (I'll go into more of that in future posts).

~3) I have watched friends of mine who have given up their purity and the consequences they have paid.

~4) I long for the day when I can stand in my wedding dress and give my heart to the man that God is preparing for me and know that I will only and forever be his; that I will be able to physically give myself completely to him.

     The more I study about physical and sexual purity I realize that it's so much more than not having sex. It involves the things I fill my heart and mind with. It involves how I present myself to others. It involves both a level of respect for myself and of my future husband.

     I want to use this blog to encourage young women to keep themselves pure. I am a living testimony of the reality that it can be done! I am praying daily and with every posting made that someone is encouraged and challenged by the words shared. I want this to be a forum where girls can share their thoughts, concerns and victories.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Gotta love the shirt!

Super Proud of these girls!

Watch this and send the comments my way!

For your viewing enjoyment :)

What are some of your thoughts?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

As I was reading...

An excerpt from a book I'm reading:

"I have so much saved up inside my soul that I'm sure it will take a lifetime to fully express physically my love to my husband. I want to save all of that until we enter into 'holy matrimony'. I think that's part of what makes it holy. I think God honors virginity in a special way. When He chose to send His Son to earth, He did it through the body of a virgin. I want my marriage to be holy before God. For the first time I've begun to think that maybe I need a plan instead of just assuming that's how everything will go. At this point in my life, I assume I'll marry Todd. But I don't know for sure. It's as if I need to save myself FROM him to save myself FOR him.", Christy Miller

This was taken from Until Tomorrow by Robin Jones Gunn

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I've become a bit addicted

One of the things that bothers me about our society is the pull to get women to dress provocatively. Is there a easier way to say, "I'm for sale"? I can hear the applause of father's agreeing that we girls need to cover up....I'm the girl who grew up in a home where my skirts had to be knee length and that didn't mean touching the top of the knee but covering my knee! I argued with my parent's all the time and will admit to being a bit rebellious at times when I finally was in charge of my own clothing shopping.

I learned this vital thing...I look much better, more attractive and even more appealing if I am properly covered! This in no way means I'm wearing turtle necks and ankle length skirts, in fact I tend to be fairly fashion forward, I get compliments on my clothes and general appearance all the time!

I love clothes, fashion, style, accessories and have recently been watching old episodes and clips of TLC's What Not To Wear. Be careful girls, it can be addicting! I like what they do, they encourage you to look your best, not to create something that isn't who you are and the keep things modest but super fashionable! Take a look:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What do I fill my heart with?

I remember getting into arguments with my youth pastor about how music effects you. I was convinced that since I was a country music fan that the messages of the songs were just about life... It wasn't until years later when I went back to some of that music and realized in more depth what they were singing about and somethings about the different artists that I began to start understanding what he was trying to get us to see. That whole phrase, "garbage in, garbage out" really is true. I find that if I am reading, listening, watching things that are not uplifting they are filling my mind. If I watch a scary movie I have have a night mare. It happens every time. How can I justify watching something like that if it's going to mess with my mind. The movie probably didn't even scare me when I was watching but it will scare me during my sleep. And then there's the times when I would hear myself humming a song that I know is promoting things that I don't agree with.

I am particularly interested in staying away from things that are geared at encouraging young women to not focus on the  wonder of their purity. I make it a conscious effort to filter what I allow into my mind and heart. I block apps on facebook that promote an ungodly idea of who I am; I don't read magazines that encourage women to look at themselves as sex objects.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Monday, November 15, 2010

I have a gift

     I have a gift that only I can give, it can only be given once and though I have no idea when I will be able to this gift away I know what I will wear on that day. I don’t know exactly who will receive this gift but I know that on that day that man will also be giving me the same gift. It is the most personal of gifts, the most precious gift I can ever give.
     This gift I have is something I value more highly than any other treasure I have. It is more important to me than any Christmas or birthday gift I will ever get or receive.

"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." Proverbs 4:23

     I have a desire to teach and encourage single girls and women on the gift and treasure that they hold in their grasp. This blog is set up to  encourage, entice conversation and mentor in this area.