Saturday, March 5, 2011

Some thoughts...

I haven't posted anything in a while and don't really know why. Right now at almost 3am isn't a great time for me to be deep but I thought I'd share a couple of thoughts...

I find it sad that recently when someone is talking about a couple their first instinct is to assume that they aren't married... Shouldn't we expect that couples with children are married and then be a little shocked when we hear otherwise?? Are we as Americans and even Christians that insensitive to sin?

On a different subject but marriage still...I received the 4th wedding invitation in 3 weeks today and I know I will be receiving another one shortly and there's another one coming up this summer too! I have known all of these brides for a long I was actually present at her birth and dressed her for the first time ever! Another, I spent many a night at her house...all of us girls piled up on her sister's bed... The next is a girl who once visited my camp nurses station and took a snake bite kit to Mexico *hehe*. Still another I chaperoned a youth event that she attended. The next is a woman who I've cried with and for many times as she faced the death of her mother and I have had the pleasure of watching her learn to depend on the Lord and has triumphed over adversity. And yet one more, is a wedding I was completely shocked by...I didn't even know until I received the invitation! This is the girl who even at a young age exemplified Proverbs 31. It is with great pleasure and dare I say pride that I attend at least some of these weddings. I have watched each of these ladies grow up and mature into beautiful women. I will also admit to a twinge of jealousy...some day I want to be preparing wedding invitations, table decorations, wedding music and finding my very own white dress. Someday...

I guess it's time to buy a new dress for a bunch of summer weddings :)