I'm reading a book called "A Match Made In Heaven". It is a collection of love stories. I look forward to being able to share my own love story someday.
Does anyone have a love story they would like to share?
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Posted by Andrea at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 10, 2011
What an honor and privilege
Within the past 8 days I have had the great honor and privilege of witnessing 2 couples pledge their lives to the Lord and to each other.
Yesterday I sat with one of these couples chatting and sharing their great joys of being newly weds.
My heart was bursting with pride at the wonders God had done.
Posted by Andrea at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Temptation: A story of overcoming!
Temptation...it happens to all of us. The bible says even Jesus was tempted. "Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." Matthew 4:1. What can we learn so that we can stand against temptation? Jesus quoted scripture back to the devil as His defense. "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11. There are countless verses to call upon when temptation comes our way...
"Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it." Proverbs 4:23
"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings." 1 Peter 5:8-9
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."" Deuteronomy 31:6
"Finally, brothers and sisters, keep your thoughts on whatever is right or deserves praise: things that are true, honorable, fair, pure, acceptable, or commendable." Philippians 4:8
I could go on and on...
I have a friend who faced great temptation...had a man saying all sorts of sweet and leading things to her being very persuasive and was tempted to listen and turn towards him. She wisely sought council and encouragement and prayed her way through facing this man and clearly putting an end to his ideas of a "relationship". What happened after she confronted him was what I found to be the most amazing...She felt empowered and humbled. She had stood her ground and God rescued her from the claws of the evil one. Philippians 4:13 comes to mind, "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." Through Christ she overcame!
Again, we all face temptation and it's how we handle that temptation that matters.
I encourage you to:
- Put to memory Scripture you can call on in your time of need.
- Chose an accountability partner who you can share with openly.
- Seek out Godly wisdom and advice.
- Pray for guidance.
Posted by Andrea at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Some thoughts...
I haven't posted anything in a while and don't really know why. Right now at almost 3am isn't a great time for me to be deep but I thought I'd share a couple of thoughts...
I find it sad that recently when someone is talking about a couple their first instinct is to assume that they aren't married... Shouldn't we expect that couples with children are married and then be a little shocked when we hear otherwise?? Are we as Americans and even Christians that insensitive to sin?
On a different subject but marriage still...I received the 4th wedding invitation in 3 weeks today and I know I will be receiving another one shortly and there's another one coming up this summer too! I have known all of these brides for a long time...one I was actually present at her birth and dressed her for the first time ever! Another, I spent many a night at her house...all of us girls piled up on her sister's bed... The next is a girl who once visited my camp nurses station and took a snake bite kit to Mexico *hehe*. Still another I chaperoned a youth event that she attended. The next is a woman who I've cried with and for many times as she faced the death of her mother and I have had the pleasure of watching her learn to depend on the Lord and has triumphed over adversity. And yet one more, is a wedding I was completely shocked by...I didn't even know until I received the invitation! This is the girl who even at a young age exemplified Proverbs 31. It is with great pleasure and dare I say pride that I attend at least some of these weddings. I have watched each of these ladies grow up and mature into beautiful women. I will also admit to a twinge of jealousy...some day I want to be preparing wedding invitations, table decorations, wedding music and finding my very own white dress. Someday...
I guess it's time to buy a new dress for a bunch of summer weddings :)
Posted by Andrea at 1:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I dream of:
-Someone tall but not too tall.
-Someone with an attractive smileand a strong jaw.
-Someone who loves God more than he will ever love me.
-Someone with strong hands.
-Someone who will play cards with me.
-Someone who reminds me of my Grandpa, both of them.
-Someone who knows that a brown belt never goes with black shoes.
-Someone who likes road trips.
-Someone who stop me before I say something I will regret.
-Someone who will always make sure I'm breathing before he leaves for work.
-Someone who understands that sometimes you need more than one pair of shoes for an outfit.
-Someone who 'gets' my family.
-Someone who makes me laugh.
-Someone who will sleep closest to the door and walk on my left side.
-Someone who I can respect.
-Someone who is waiting for me.
-Someone who will ride roller coasters with me.
-Someone who will tell me I'm beautiful even with morning breath and scarry hair.
-Someone who will reach out to hold my hand before I reach for his.
-Someone who will lead me closer to God.
-Someone who will change our babies diapers without complaining.
-Someone who is ok with never eating seafoodm
-Someone who's hand fits nicely around his Bible.
-Someone who won't complain if I pick a chick flick.
-Someone who will call my parents Mom and Dad.
-Someone who I can depend on.
-Someone who my friends like.
-Someone who is willing to admit when he is wrong.
-Someone who is committed.
-Someone who serves.
-Someone who my dad approves.
-Someone who will never cause me to doubt.
-Someone who will go shopping with me.
-Someone who likes my friends.
-Someone who understands that spending $100 on my hair is worth it.
-Someone who will read to me.
-Someone who won't go to bed without me.
-Someone who will explain things to me that I don't understand.
-Someone who is passionate about God's word.
-Someone who isn't afraid to express emotions.
-Someone who knows how to kneel before the Lord.
-Someone who wil share their passions with me.
-Someone who will hold the door open for a lady.
-Someone who will paint my toe nails for me.
-Someone who will teach me new things.
-Someone who will always love me.
I'm not picky, I just know what I want!
Posted by Andrea at 10:50 PM 3 comments
Friday, January 7, 2011
Have you struggled in this area? Are you thriving in this area?

Posted by Andrea at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 6, 2011
What are people hearing?
Have you ever over heard a conversation that might be very innocent but sounds dirty or inappropriate? Have you ever had a conversation that has implied things that you really weren't meaning? Or have you in fact let your words take you into conversations where inappropriate thoughts, images or feelings are brought to the surface?
This has happened to me, with me, around me and because of me and it is very easy to just brush off any wrongness with a statement like "ohh, we just let things get out of hand" or "I just took that too far...". Either response is wrong! The Bible is clear on this subject: Matthew 12:34b, "for out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks."
If you're not doing anything inappropriate then don't let people think you are. A reputation is easily formed and difficult to reconstruct if you have made a bad impression on somebody. Be above reproach so that no one has reason to think negatively of you.
I challenge you, myself even, to live by 1 Timothy 4:12 "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."
Posted by Andrea at 7:21 AM 1 comments
Labels: above reproach, bible verses, conversations, reputation, talk